Friday, January 6, 2012

St. Ignatius, Part 1

Growing up in fantastically diverse Rogers Park on the north side of Chicago, my earliest memories are full of exotic patterns and colors, rich with different cultures and interpretations of the sacred. Though I am not Catholic I attended the grammar school attached to St. Ignatius Church for ten years, which involved regular attendance at Mass and, consequently, countless hours spent staring at the walls and ceilings. Undoubtedly that artwork constitutes my earliest and most influential source, from which I am still extracting material and inspiration.

From 1917 Souvenir Dedication Album
Oddly enough, I never learned much about the church itself while I was there. Lessons from the art centered around the actual depictions and we were never told about the artists or techniques. A shame, really, since I am now discovering a wealth of interesting information about the architect and contributing artists.

The church, designed by architect Henry J. Schlacks, was built between 1915 and 1917. Schlacks was a prominent church architect in Chicago, you can see more of his creations here.

The interior of the church is what I really want to get into, but there's a lot to it. For now, check out this Flickr set from Catholic Sanctuaries.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Maybe it's the new year. Maybe I'm frustrated. Maybe the world is going to end. I don't know. All I can say is that chefs cook, writers write, gardeners tend the soil and, if I call myself an artist, I must make art. And I haven't. A few pieces here and there, but I've never dedicated the time and energy into creating as much as I can. I want to. I think I have some things to say, and some interesting ways to express myself.  But I allow myself to get caught up in the mundane of everyday existence. There's always laundry to do, pets that need attention, dishes to wash, piddly little projects that leave me tired and uninspired.

So the whole point of this project is to find a way to immerse myself in my own creativity. To be loyal to my own expression. First.

"Dreaming of Spring (Dogwood)" 2010

Sunday, January 1, 2012


1. A container for sacred relics.
2. The tomb of a saint.
3. A site or object revered for its associations.
[<Latin scrinium, a case for books or papers.]

The famous altar painting from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City

1. A cloth used to wrap a body for burial.
2. Something that conceals, protects, or screens.
1. To wrap (a corpse) in burial clothing.
2. To shut off from sight; screen.
[<Old English scrud, a garment.]

The Shroud of Turin